Feed good one,
Feed good two
If I do this, it will remember me
If I add this answer to the tree,
We may assume that we have those three elements.
Feedback two
If you remember
There are more things happenning
On the third mistake.
The sequence was changed to random
You may see your mistake
It doesn't matter on the option here
No surprise there
Moving along we have grammar one
In this container
URL - show the pop-up
If you remember,
There's nothing on all OK
Hopefully you may remember
We close pop-up just in case
And you remember
That there was this animated pannel
Pillow or whatever
Execute and wait
See you tomorrow
Sweet dreams
Feed good two
If I do this, it will remember me
If I add this answer to the tree,
We may assume that we have those three elements.
Feedback two
If you remember
There are more things happenning
On the third mistake.
The sequence was changed to random
You may see your mistake
It doesn't matter on the option here
No surprise there
Moving along we have grammar one
In this container
URL - show the pop-up
If you remember,
There's nothing on all OK
Hopefully you may remember
We close pop-up just in case
And you remember
That there was this animated pannel
Pillow or whatever
Execute and wait
See you tomorrow
Sweet dreams
Izklausās, ka rīt varētu tapt vesels eposs! Dikti smieklīgi! :) :)
AtbildētDzēstes nevaru beigt smieties, man visas iekšas raustās!!! and so on...
AtbildētDzēstUzreiz atgādināja http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KR6PSegMqU